※ The above picture is a produced picture, and it may differ from the actual structure such as the location of the outdoor bath and the presence of a bathroom window. For more information, please contact the hotel (064-735-3000).


Bedroom 1, Living Room(one-room type) 1, Bathroom 1, Outdoor Terrace, Outdoor Bathroom
Criteria / Maximum
2 (4 people) *Additional personnel will not be charged, but charges will be incurred at the site for additional breakfast and bedding.
Check-in / out
Check-in : 15:00 / Check-out : 11:00
Double Double bed (160*200cm) 1(Twin Request Single Bed (100×200 cm) 2 pieces)
07:00 ~ 10:00 *Seaes Dining
Room Amenity
TV | Personal safe | Phone | Indoor slipper
Bathrobe | Hand towels / Bath towels | Shampoo / Rinse / Body lotion & Wash/Soap | Shower cap / Cotton bud / Cotton pad | Hairbrush / Dyson Dryer | Bidet
*Toothbrush and other supplies are sold separately at the front desk. 
2 bottles of water | Refrigerator | Electric kettle | Teacup | Herb Tea (2) | Water cups
Reservation change and cancellation regulations

10 to 7 days before check-in · 30% of total reservation amount
6 to 3 days before check-in · 50% of total reservation amount

2 days prior to or the day on check-in (including No Show) · 100% of total booking amount

Other Rooms

SEAES Hotels & Resorts Admin

T. 064-735-3000  |  F. 064-735-3003

198, Jungmungwangwang-ro, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do


Room reservation  : rsvn@theseaeshotel.com

Wedding/Banquet : theseaes@theseaeshotel.com

Partnership Inquiry : service@theseaeshotel.com

Copyrightⓒ SEAES Hotels & Resorts Admin All rights reserved. 
Designed and Hosting by 보구정제주

SEAES Hotel & Resort

T. 064-735-3000  |  F. 064-735-3003

198, Jungmungwangwang-ro, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do  |  616-85-15741 

Room reservation  : rsvn@theseaeshotel.com  |  Wedding/Banquet : theseaes@theseaeshotel.com  |  Partnership Inquiry : service@theseaeshotel.com

Copyright ⓒ SEAES Hotels & Resorts Admin All rights reserved.  Designed and Hosting by 보구정제주